Monday, September 20, 2010

Sky is the Limit - The Iron-clad recipe for Achieving

I have tried many self-created recipes for achieving major goals in Life and have been successful at some as evident for those of you who know me. What I have contended with is trying to replicate those strategies in the life's of those close to me; this is where it has not worked to the fullest. That's until recently. I have outlined the below recipe for achieving that aims to motivate one to think thoroughly about what it is they want to achieve right through to what next to do. Some of it is in motivational texts you may have read but as you get to the bottom of the list, there significant differences in the details. As a side note, you may harbour differences to this recipe but I am confident in its strength.

The Recipe:

1. What do you want to achieve? Spell it out, say it loud
2. When do you want to achieve this by?
3. Where will you achieve this or where will you be when you achieve this? (a place)
4. Why do you want to achieve this? (meaning to you)
5. Who does it depend on? (usually 'I')
6. What does it take to get there? (what tools or things one must do including lifestyle changes)
7. How are you going to go about it? (This is where you breakdown in detail the steps)
8. By when will you do each of the above steps in 7.?
9. What do you have to do first?
10.Where does this first step have to take place?
11.When are you going to get there?
12.Whats the prompt you will set in place to get there? (alarm, friend etc)
13.What do you need to prepare before you set off to the first place or action?

There is thought behind all these steps. My experience has shown writing down the plan or answers to it makes it stick better.

With this in hand, go out there and Reach for the Stars.


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